We left Rocky Mount on Wednesday morning, September 28, and finally arrived in Serenje, Zambia, on Saturday evening, October 1. The journey to Africa is a long one!

Sunday we spent most of the day at Teta Baptist church which is under the leadership of Pastor Dan, a great minister and friend. When you leave his church you know you have been to CHURCH! One member of our team, Farron Duncan delivered the Sunday sermon and two other members of the team, Trish Duncan and Suzanne Gore, sang as Suzanne played the guitar. It was wonderful worshiping with the Teta congregation.

Monday we traveled 50 more miles to Chitambo to the Agape Village Orphanage which is looking really good. All of the roofing is finished and the workers are busy installing the ceilings and working on the baths. It is really a wonder that this quality of work has been accomplished in such a remote area.

Today we also visited the Chitambo Hospital and delivered baby bags to the maternity patients and prayed with some other patients in the hospital. The experience was very moving and reminded us, once again, how blessed we are to live where we do.

We visited our young friend, Osward, who is not doing well. Please keep this child in your prayers.

We have four friends traveling with us and we are encouraging them to share their thoughts with you on our blog. Hopefully they will do this.

Thanks for your support.
Mickey and Jackie

Comments on: "The Journey to Africa is a Long One!!" (2)

  1. charlotte deans said:

    As I knelt at the alter Sunday during communion ,my thoughts were turned toward Africa.Bob had already prayed during worship for each of you by name for your safety and successful trip.But the realization during worldwide communion Sunday was overwhelming that we are all part of Jesus’ family on earth no matter where or who.Thanks to your all for being our hands and feet for Jesus in Zambia.charlotte deans

  2. Pat Elliott said:

    Sunday Oct 1 we Celebrated World Wide Communion. at St Marks Methodist, Fairfield Ohio. OUr Sunday school children dressed in different cultural attaire and brought basket of differnet breads and crackers.It was a lovely change and my thoughts and prayers at that time were of you and your entire party.Prayers for a successful and safe journay from Fairfield Ohio. Aunt Patti

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